
Cargill trials automated data collection, robotic hull cleaning solutions

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-07-25 09:07:28 点击量: 1154 来源:Offshore Energy

瑞士大宗商品贸易巨头嘉吉(Cargill)公司与劳氏船级社(LR)发起成立的行业非营利机构Safetytech Accelerator完成了两个试点项目:机器人船体清洁解决方案和船舶设备的数据自动采集技术。第一个试点项目涉及eyeGauge公司的数字化转换技术,该技术可以收集并整合船舶数据,包括来自模拟和数字设备的读数。该项目消除了人工采集数据的复杂性,同时也解决了由于数字化改造过于昂贵,而导致的船舶实时数据使用受限的问题。第二个试点项目围绕Alicia Bots公司的水下清洁机器人技术RoverClean展开。该项目旨在实现船舶航行中的船体检查和清洁。此前,船体清洁工作主要由潜水员在船舶靠港时进行,这无疑存在着安全风险,且延长了船舶的在港时间。

Swiss freight trader Cargill has completed two pilot projects with Safetytech Accelerator, a dedicated technology accelerator established by Lloyd’s Register, involving robotic hull cleaning solutions and automated data collection from ship machinery. The first pilot project involved eyeGauge’s digital transformation technology, which captures and consolidates vessel data, including readings from both analog and locked-down digital equipment. The challenge addressed the complexities of manual data collection and the limited availability of real-time data on merchant fleets due to expensive and intricate retrofit digitalization solutions. The second pilot project centered around Alicia Bots’  underwater RoverClean technology, designed to inspect and clean hulls while the vessel is in motion. Currently, hull cleaning is primarily conducted by divers when ships are stationary at ports, posing safety risks and extending the time spent at ports.