Maritime cyber attacks database launched
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-07-25 10:07:03 点击量: 1055 来源:smartmaritimenetwork
来自荷兰斯坦德应用科学大学(NHL Stenden)的研究人员推出了一个海事网络攻击数据库(MCAD),这是一个关系到全球海事业安全的数据库。它由该校海事IT安全教授Stephen McCombie博士带头创建,记录了160多起海事行业的网络攻击事件,其中包括2021年发生在黑海的乌克兰船只位置欺骗事件。除了船上网络攻击, 该数据库还记录了网络黑客对世界各港口及其他海洋基础设施进行的袭击。研究小组认为,这一数据库有助于提高业界对网络安全的认识,能够为这一关键领域的发展提供数据参考,支持其开展更精准的模拟和更进一步的研究。此外,该数据库还被应用于模拟海事网络攻击事件,以便海事相关公司、机构包括港口等能够提前演练,应对黑客攻击。
Researchers at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands have launched the Maritime Cyber Attack Database (MCAD), a database of incidents involving the worldwide maritime sector. Created by a team led by Dr Stephen McCombie, Professor of Maritime IT Security, the database contains over 160 incidents, including location spoofing of NATO ships visiting Ukraine in the Black Sea in 2021. The database not only includes incidents affecting ships, but also ports and other maritime facilities from around the world. The research group expects that the database will help raise awareness of cyber security in the industry and provide data for further research and more accurate simulations in this critical area. One of the applications of the database is to develop simulations of maritime cyber incidents that are realistic and relevant, so that companies, organisations, and ports can prepare for attacks.