IMO appoints new Secretary-General
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-07-25 10:07:05 点击量: 1327 来源:Offshore Energy
伦敦时间7月18日,来自巴拿马的阿森尼奥·多明格斯(Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco)被任命为下一任国际海事组织(IMO)秘书长。他将于2024年1月1日正式任职,任期四年。现任秘书长林基泽(Kitack Lim)任期将于2023年12月31日届满。据报道,经过几轮无记名投票,多明格斯从七位秘书长候选人中胜出,成为第一位担任IMO秘书长的拉丁美洲和巴拿马人。另外六位候选人分别是来自中国的张晓杰、孟加拉国的Moin Uddin Ahmed、土耳其的Suat Hayri Aka、多米尼加的Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry、肯尼亚的Nancy Karigithu以及芬兰的Minna Kivimäki。新任IMO秘书长将肩负起指导行业发展的重大责任,特别是在《2023年船舶温室气体减排战略》通过后。
On July 18th, The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council has appointed Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco of the Republic of Panama, for an initial 4-year term as the next Secretary-General. Valesco will start his tenure as of 1 January 2024, and the term of the current incumbent, Kitack Lim, is set to expire on December 31, 2023. According to reports, Dominguez won out of seven Secretary General candidates after several rounds of secret ballot, becoming the first Panamanian and Latin American candidate for this position. The other six candidates are Zhang Xiaojie of China, Moin Uddin Ahmed of Bangladesh, Suat Hayri Aka of Turkey, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry of Dominica, Nancy Karigithu of Kenya and Minna Kivimäki of Finland. The new Secretary General of the IMO will have a massive responsibility in steering the industry forward, especially on the heels of the new targets agreed under the 2023 Strategy on the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping just two week ago.
lock v. 锁住;固定 n. 水闸;船闸
美/lɑk/ 英/lɒk/
chain locker 锚链舱
锚泊设备是指船舶在起、抛锚时所用的设备和机械的总称,由锚、锚链、锚链筒、制链器、锚机、锚链舱、锚链管和弃链器等几部分组成。锚链舱是存放锚链的舱室,左、右锚链舱是分开的,一般位于船首防撞舱壁之前,锚机下面,艏尖舱的上面或后面。锚链舱形状为圆柱体或长方体。布置船舶的锚链舱时应该注意:1、 舱底尽量低,以利于船体的稳性;2、锚链舱面积小,有利于锚链的自动盘存;3、圆筒形舱更接近锚链的自然堆放形式。
hull n. 船体
美 /hʌl/ 英 /hʌl/
hull cleaning 船船清洗