Shipping can’t afford to ignore vast potential of nuclear propulsion: ABS
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-08-02 10:08:04 点击量: 1046 来源:ABS
美国船级社(ABS)和赫伯特工程公司(HEC)合作开展的研究显示,核动力推进在船舶减排和提高船舶营运效率方面潜力巨大。这项研究模拟了核动力推进技术对14000TEU集装箱船和157000DWT苏伊士型油船的设计、营运和排放的影响。根据该研究,在集装箱船上安装两座30兆瓦铅冷快堆可能会提高船舶载货能力和营运航速,同时,在其25年的寿命期间不需要进行核燃料更换。在苏伊士型油船上安装四座5兆瓦热管微反应堆,虽然减少了货物装载量,但会提高其营运航速,并且在寿命期间内只需要更换一次核燃料。以上两种概念船都将实现二氧化碳的净零排放。ABS董事长兼首席执行官Christopher J. Wiernicki表示:“通过核动力推进技术的应用,更容易实现航运业净零排放的目标,我们今天正在为这一未来奠定基础。”
A new study underscores the vast potential offered by nuclear propulsion both in terms of emissions reduction and operational efficiency. Carried out by ABS and Herbert Engineering Corp, it models the impact of nuclear propulsion on the design, operation and emissions of a 14,000 TEU container vessel and a 157,000 DWT Suezmax tanker. For the containership the study modeled the impact of two, lead-cooled, 30 MW fast reactors, finding it would likely increase cargo capacity and operational speed, while eliminating the need for refueling during its entire 25-year lifespan. On the Suezmax vessel, the study found the addition of four, 5 MW, heat-pipe microreactors, while decreasing cargo capacity, would raise operational speeds and, like the containership, only require refueling once during its 25-year life. Both concept vessels would emit zero CO2. “A net-zero world is more easily realized through nuclear propulsion, and we are putting in place the foundations for that future today,” said Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS Chairman and CEO.