发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-08-08 11:08:22 点击量: 1013 来源:MOL
日本大型海运公司商船三井(MOL)目前正在推进其零排放船舶研发项目——“Wind Hunter”。该项目旨在利用海上风能,在船上生产绿氢,为船舶的氢燃料电池提供原料,推动船舶前进。MOL透露,海水电解制氢离不开高纯度的水,所以在制氢时首先要对海水进行净化,净化的第一步就是使用过滤器去除水中杂质。但他们之前所使用的过滤器需要频繁地更换,这不仅增加了船员的工作量,还带来了巨大的成本负担。于是,MOL与大洋产业株式会社和日本九州大学教授合作,力图开发一种持久、耐用甚至能除菌的高性能过滤器。MOL表示,这一项目未来还需要大量先进的技术,以支持他们开发用于制氢的纯净水生产系统。
Japanese shipping company Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) is advancing its zero-emission ship project called Wind Hunter, which aims to harness offshore wind energy to produce hydrogen from water onboard and convert it into propulsion for vessels. Hydrogen production requires a high level of water purity and during the Wind Hunter hydrogen production process, seawater is first purified by passing it through a filter to remove impurities but the filters currently used require frequent replacement, which increases the workload of crewmembers and imposes a significant cost burden, MOL explains. The shipping company has teamed up with Kyushu University Professor Takeshi Shinoda and Taiyo Sangyo Co., Ltd. to develop long-lasting, durable, and high-performance filters that will be able to remove even bacteria, which will require even more advanced technology in the future, and to manufacture a pure water production system.